Furniture Bank of Metro Detroit > About > Community Impact

Community Impact

Children & Families Served in 2023

In 2023, the Furniture Bank improved the lives of 1,295 Metro Detroit families, providing them with 16,102 items conservatively valued at $861,953.

# Items Distributed to Children & Families in Need

Furniture Donations

Our trucks stopped at the homes of 3,939 Metro Detroit furniture donors, and we provided 724 families with no- or low-cost deliveries in conjunction with our nonprofit community partners.

# of Furniture Donors

Helping Children

Of the 6,910 people we helped in 2023, 57% of those were children. We provided kids with beds along with age-appropriate brand new bedding to make sure they’re getting a healthy, comfortable night’s sleep.


% of all served that are children

Serving Those in Extreme Poverty

Fifty-six percent (56%) of families served in 2023 reported having an annual household income of less than $10,000.  Eighty-six percent (86%) reported having an income of less than $20,000. 



Families with an annual income of less than $20,000

Thousands of Items of Furniture Donated

The Furniture Bank provided 1,849 mattresses, 1,685 box springs, 1,339 dressers, 1095 sofas, 702 dining tables and 2,940 dining chairs– along with 1,763 other pieces of living room furniture and 4,291 other household items to local families in need.

Mattresses Donated

Free Community Area

An additional 742 families benefitted from our Free Community Area, receiving 2,226 items valued at $159,942.

Families Who Benefitted from Free Community Area

Positive Environmental Impact

In total, we collected and distributed 245,000 cubic feet – or 450 tons – of furniture, which is roughly enough furniture to fill up the 47-floor Penobscot Building in Downtown Detroit!

Tons of Furniture Recycled Back into the Community